Vanderbilt Mass Spectrometry Research Center (MSRC) Cores

Overview of Services

The purpose of the Vanderbilt Mass Spectrometry Research Center (MSRC) Core is to provide state of the art instrumentation and expertise for investigators needing mass spectrometry-based services. Because of different instrumentation and sample preparation requirements, the offered services are subdivided into three Cores: Small Molecule and Metabolomics, Proteomics, and Tissue Imaging. For most small-molecule projects, the user will receive training and assistance in developing their assay and then sign up for time on one of the open-access instrument platforms. For Metabolomics, Proteomics and Tissue Imaging, projects are managed collaboratively with one of the Associate Directors who will assist in planning the appropriate sample preparation, data acquisition, and data analysis strategies. Please read the following descriptions of Core services and choose the most appropriate Core to handle your project.

Small Molecule / Metabolomics Core

The MS/Metabolomics Core offers use access to MALDI-TOF, LC-MS, GC-MS, and ICP-MS instruments. Faculty, trainees, and staff of Vanderbilt investigators can be trained on the available instruments. Core personnel are also available to run samples for those investigators with infrequent needs or with sophisticated methods. MS Core personnel train new users, maintain the equipment, tune and calibrate the instruments, assist users with setting up and operating the instruments, and assist with data analysis and interpretation. The Core Associate Director, Dr. Wade Calcutt, is familiar with GLP protocols and FDA guidelines for bioanalytical methods development for sample processing, analysis and data reporting and is available to assist investigators for such projects.

One GC-MS single quadrupole and ten tandem LC-MS instruments are available for analysis of small molecules for drug metabolism and PK/PD studies and for quantitation of endogenous biomolecules and metabolites.  Two Orbitraps and one Synapt Q-TOF instrument are available for high resolution, accurate mass determinations of molecular structures. Most mass spectrometers in the Core can be interfaced with reverse-phase, normal-phase, or nanoflow LC chromatography systems.  One MALDI-TOF instrument is available. A Thermo Element 2 high resolution sector ICP-MS instrument and an Agilent 7700 single quadrupole ICP-MS instrument are available absolute quantitation of elements in liquid digested samples. The Thermo Element is equipped with a laser ablation system for trace element tissue imaging. A recently acquired Thermo Q Exactive HF instrument is dedicated to targeted and untargeted metabolomic and lipidomics studies.

M. Wade Calcutt, Research Assistant Professor
Associate Director of MS Core
(615) 343-8601


Small Molecule Consultation

Consultation - Targeted Metabolomics

Consultation - Untargeted Metabolomics


Proteomics Core Laboratory

The Proteomics Core offers a comprehensive set of services for analysis of proteins ranging from simple protein identifications and post-translational modification mapping to discovery-based global proteome comparisons and protein-protein interaction studies. State-of-the-art instrumentation, methods, and expertise are available to address almost any need. Our services include but are not limited to:

  • Basic protein/protein mixture identification (from gel bands or in solution)
  • Label-free differential expression discovery proteomics (spectral counting and peak areas-LFQ)
  • Label-based differential expression discovery proteomics (iTRAQ/TMT and SILAC)
  • Targeted protein quantitation (MRM, PRM, and AQUA)
  • Post-translational modification identification and characterization (individual proteins to proteome-wide)
  • If your project does not fit readily into one of these categories or you are not certain of the best strategy, please do not hesitate to contact us and set up a consultation. Our associate directors, Drs. Rose and McDonald, have a combined 35 years of experience in the field and can help guide you through the entire process.


Kristie L. Rose, Research Assistant Professor
Associate Director Proteomics
(615) 343-1568

W. Hayes McDonald, Research Assistant Professor
Associate Director Proteomics
(615) 343-0512


Proteomics New Project / Consultation

*if you have additional samples for an existing project please request a sample submission under that project or email the managing director


Tissue Imaging Core

The Tissue Imaging Core provides direct imaging and profiling of intact tissues by MALDI imaging mass spectrometry.  A wide variety of analytes including: proteins, peptides, lipids, endogenous metabolites, and exogenous species such as pharmaceutical compounds or toxins can be imaged in most tissues.  Both fresh frozen or FFPE tissues from various sources (human, animal, clinical, plant) are amenable for imaging mass spectrometry.  Core personnel assist with experimental design and carry out sample preparation, including tissue sectioning, data acquisition, and data analysis. If you would like to schedule a consultation for imaging mass spectrometry analysis, please click on the button below, and someone will get back to you to discuss your experimental needs.


Michelle L. Reyzer, Research Assistant Professor
Associate Director Tissue Imaging
(615) 343-8371


Tissue Imaging New Project / Consultation





Kevin L. Schey, Professor and Director
Director of MSRC Cores
(615) 936-6861 

Small Molecule / Metabolomics Core

M. Wade Calcutt, Research Assistant Professor
Associate Director of MS Core
(615) 343-8601


Proteomics Core Laboratory

Kristie L. Rose, Research Assistant Professor
Associate Director Proteomics
(615) 343-1568


W. Hayes McDonald, Research Assistant Professor
Associate Director Proteomics
(615) 343-0512


Tissue Imaging Core

Michelle L. Reyzer, Research Assistant Professor
Associate Director Tissue Imaging
(615) 343-8371



Small Molecule / Metabolomics Core






Sergei Chetyrkin

Staff Scientist

(615) 343-8433

9126 MRB III

Brian Hachey

Research Assistant II

(615) 343-8433

9126 MRB III



Proteomics Core Laboratory








Mike Leser

Postdoctoral Fellow

 (615) 343-2700 


Purvi Patel 

Research Specialist Sr.

 (615) 343-2700













Tissue Imaging Core






Audra Judd

Research Specialist, Sr. 

(615) 936-7935


David M. Anderson

Staff Scientist

(615) 343-2712













Hours of Operation and Location

Small Molecule / Metabolomics Core

Hours Open

Hours Staffed


Open Access 8 am to 5 pm

Restricted Access 5 pm to 8 am

 8:00 am to 5:00 pm

465 21st Avenue S

9126 MRB III

Nashville TN, 37240

Proteomics Laboratory Core

Hours Open

Hours Staffed


Mon – Fri  8 am to 5 pm

 Mon – Fri  8 am to 5 pm

465 21st Avenue S

9110 MRB III

Nashville TN, 37240

Tissue Imaging Core

Hours Open

Hours Staffed


 Mon – Fri  8 am to 5 pm

 Mon – Fri  8 am to 5 pm

465 21st Avenue S

9160 MRB III

Nashville TN, 37240


Links and Resources

Small Molecule / Metabolomics Core

Small Molecule / Metabolomics Core Website



Name Role Phone Email Location
Amanda Renick-Beech
MSRC Cores Administrative Officer

9160 MRB III