Vanderbilt Neurovisualization Lab

Overview of Services

The Vanderbilt Neurovisualization Lab (VNL) will be the principal resource for whole brain light sheet imaging and data analysis for Vanderbilt University’s neuroscience community. VNL will provide professional scientific guidance and microscopy services to lower the barrier for integration of light sheet imaging into a diversity of ongoing research programs. In addition, high throughput whole-slide scanning will be available for efficient acquisition and analysis of large numbers of slide-mounted sections (e.g. FISH labeling).


Jose Maldonado, PhD Richard Simerly, PhD
Managing Director Scientific Director


Location and hours of operation

Hours Location

Monday - Friday

9:00am - 6:00pm

704 Light Hall

2215 Garland Ave

Nashville, TN 37232

Links and Resources

  1. VNL
  2. VNL Youtube


Name Role Phone Email Location
Jose Maldonado
Managing Director
704 Light Hall
